Zirconium (Zr) | 50,8 x 3,2 mm | 99,2%

Weight: 0.00106 kg

Diameter / thickness: Ø 50.8 mm x 3.2 mm

Purity: 99.2%

SKU: 1004718 Categories: ,


Zirconium is classified as a transition metal in the periodic table. It has a density of 6.49 g/cm³, a melting point of 1,852°C and a vapour pressure of 10-4 Torr at 1,987°C. It is silver-white in colour and is widely used in the chemical industry due to its tendency to resist corrosion. Zirconium can be found in surgical equipment, superconducting magnets and the cladding of nuclear reactors. It is also used as an alloy for steel. Its compound, zirconium oxide, is often used to replace diamonds in jewellery. Zirconium and its alloys and compounds are evaporated under vacuum for optical coatings, semiconductors and data storage.

Material type Zirconium
Symbol Zr
Atomic weight  91.224
Atomic number  40
Colour/appearance  Metallic, silvery white
Thermal conductivity  22.7 Watt/m.K
Melting point  1,852 °C
Coefficient of thermal expansion  5.7 x 10-6/K 
Theoretical density  6.49 g/cm³
Z-ratio  0.6
Sputter  DC voltage
Max. power density 50 watts/square inch*
Bonding type Indium, elastomer
Note Alloyed with tungsten.

Thin films will oxidise immediately.


* This is a recommendation based on our experience with these materials in our sputter guns. Rates are based on non-bonded targets and are material specific. Bonded targets should be operated at lower power to avoid bonding failure. Bonded targets should be operated at 20 watts/square inch or less depending on the material.

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