Thermal desorption spectrometer TDS 40A1

The TDS 40A1 is designed for Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) applications.


TPD involves heating a sample under UHV conditions and simultaneously measuring a number of desorbing gas species as a function of sample temperature. A custom designed conical sampling end piece ensures the best possible response to desorbing species

Mounting flange DN 40 CF (non-rotatable)
Bakeout temperature up to 150 °C
Insertion length 190 mm (other on request), OD: 36.8 mm
Mass range 1 to 300 amu
Mass filter quadrupole
Detector type electron multiplier (EM)
Resolution better than 0.5 amu
Sensitivity 2×10-4 A/Torr (FC),
Minimum detectable partial pressure 5×10-11 Torr (FC), 5×10-14 Torr (EM)
Working pressure < 10-4 Torr to UHV (FC)
< 10-6 Torr to UHV (EM)
  • Completely programmable
  • Unique filament design
  • Wide operation temperature range
  • Quadrupole MS: 100, 200 or 300 amu
  • High stability linear shift
  • Differential pumping (1 stage)

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