Kodial Zero Length with ITO Coating

Range of kodial zero length viewports is offered with a transparent conductive ITO (indium tin oxide InSnO2) on the vacuum side of the window to provide surface conductivity to eliminate electrostatic charge build up. The coatings are processed using sputter coating equipment in cleanroom conditions. The ITO coating increases reflectivity.

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The kodial viewports are offered in CF, ISO and KF flange styles. The viewports comprise a borosilicate glass optic which is sealed to a kovar weld ring using an induction heater process. The optic assemblies are TIG welded into flanges and are helium leak tested and cleaned for ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions. The CF versions are offered using 304L or 316LN stainless steel flanges. Flanges in 316L stainless steel are used for the high vacuum KF and ISO viewports.

Non-standard viewports can be manufactured on request, including re-entrant style microscope/camera viewports. Annealed copper gaskets and other component accessories are also supplied by TSL.

Property Value
Seal Type Induction
Weld Ring Kovar
Coating Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) on vacuum face of window
Maximum Temperature 350 °C
Minimum Temperature minus 20 °C
Maximum Rate of Temperature Change 3 °C per minute
Leak Rate <1×10-10 atm-cc/sec (He)
Pressure Range 1 bar to 1×10-11 mbar

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